Important Pointers to Know Before Diving into Realism Painting
Most people tend to take up a hobby or a sports activity to a much-needed relief from the daily hectic home and work schedules. If you are looking for a hobby to spend some time away and if painting interests you then this article is for you. When it comes to painting, there are several styles and themes that people go to, to create their masterpieces. But most people tend to try out the style of painting which gives them the ability to create paintings of real things rather than abstract concepts. This type of painting is known as realism, where people use different colors, shades, tones, and lighting effects to create paintings of real things, for example, a bowl of fruits or a house.

Though realism is an exciting style of painting, you need to know some crucial pointers before you delve completely into the art form.

· Find an accurate perspective: When you are creating a realism painting, perspective is everything. If you have the right perspective, the painting will turn out to be a masterpiece.

· Realism takes days: This style of painting does not finish in a single day or a few hours rather it takes days to finish. You go and come back to it and start painting from where you left.

· Believe in eye realism: When painting a realism painting, don’t try to take a photograph for your inspiration, rather take an object that you can see with your eye. This will give you accurate insight into the colors, depth, and angles.

· Pay attention to shadows: Shadows are not always black. Pay attention to the shadow areas for a good effect.

These were a few of the pointers to be considered before you can completely immerse in this art form with Inksane Art Academy, which is a leading academy that offers painting lessons in classical realism. The art academy (Kunstacademie) has one of the finest European realism artists like Tayler Scarlett Powell, who offer the painting lessons. These lessons are suitable for anyone and everyone who wants to dive deep into realism paintings irrespective of your expertise level or your profession. Moreover, the art academy also commissions portrait paintings and employs only the best and highly regarded European painters. Besides, the art academy also sells the finest realism and portrait paintings made by some of the finest artists in the field.

About Inksane Art Academy:

Inksane Art Academy is a prominent art academy offering painting lessons in classical and figurative realism.

For more information, visit


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